Monday, April 20, 2009

Social Networking 4/20
By Brad Stone

This is an article from the New York Times; it was published April 19, 2009 and it stated a lot of interesting facts about Facebook. There are currently 175 million users around the world. It went into great detail about the man who created Facebook. Facebook was officially created in 2004 by a man named Mark Zuckerberg. Even though a lot people feel that facebook is exactly like MySpace and twitter, there are a lot of different facts about it. Facebook has a way to, “stimulated the creation of hundreds of new features or "social applications" on Facebook, from games to new music and photo sharing tools, which had the effect of further turbo-charging activity on the site” The New York times is also usually a creditable because they have people go over it to make sure. They also have a procedure of doing things.

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