Thursday, April 23, 2009

Acessing Acesments

For my research paper I still need to find my journal article. I also need to find a better picture. The one that i chose doesnt really work with my thesis anymore.

on 460 they go over what the difference is between a mgazine and a journal

Have i acessed my resources affectively...
NO, there is still a lot of work that i have to do. I need to make sure that my sources are authoratative.

Recources Reflections

1) how did you find your recources..
For my recources, i used the library, the internet and myself. AT the library I found books to use. I went on the coarse catolog and found books that best fitted my supject. I also used the library's webite to find magazing articles; i went on academic premeire. I also interviewed my friends that live in the dorms with me. I asked they why they used facebook; what is facebooks purpose.

2) How has research altered your original idea...
In the begining i really didnt know what to talk about, but as i started to do research it really heloed me. I usually tend to pick really broad topics, so while I was doing the research, i was able to narrow down my topic. Now, i am focusing more on the idea that americans like to gossip and facebook it making it worse.....

-Sarah Dominguez

Monday, April 20, 2009

Social Networking 4/20,9171,1655722,00.html by Lev Grossman Thursday August 27, 2007

This is a magazine article from Time magazine. It states a lot of interesting facts about facebook and how it is used. In the article is stated “It's a website, but in a sense, it's another version of the Internet itself: a Net within the Net, one that's everything the larger Net is not.” This article truly made me think about facebook as a whole. It talks about how facebook is a way to learn all about you. You are basically giving away all of you information; we are living in a world without secrets; it is practically impossible to hide anything these days. Time magazine is also a creatable source because it has to be checked before it can be published. It is also a highly looked at magazine and it would be very shocking for the readers to find out that some of their information is inaccurate.

Social Networking 4/20

For my interview, I interviewed a eighteen year old boy from San Francisco. He is currently going to San Jose state and he is a freshman. Right now he is single and his is interested in women. His birthday is on May ninth. He went to Westmore high and he was the class of 08. I was able to find all of this information just by being his friend on facebook.

Why do you have a Facebook account?

Vincent: All of my friends had one, and they told me to make one.

Me: So you feel that you were peer pressured?

Vincent: Yeah. They kept bugging me until I made one!

Me: Do you feel that having a facebook is a good thing?

Vincent: Yes.

Me: Why?

Vincent: It is a great way for me to communicate with my friends.

Me: Do you feel that there are any down sides to having a facebook?

Vincent: Yeah, it can become very addictive. Sometimes I don’t realize how long I have been on it till I look at my clock. I is a great way to see what people have been up to.

Me: So, in a way it can be a bit depressing because you get to see what people have been doing, but you may have not been invited.

Vincent: Yeah, I never thought about it that way, but it is true. Sometimes I have seen photos of my friends hanging out and wished that I could have been there.

Me: How many hours a day do you spend on Facebook?

Vincent: About one hour a day.

Social Networking 4/20

1) imgurl= edia/pap er657/stills/6jhe217f.gif&imgrefurl=

This is a cartoon drawn by, The Jaded Princess. It goes over the fact that facebook is extremely addicting and fake. There are a lot of people out there who put up fake things, just to make themselves look good. This person feels that by having a facebook, you are throwing your identity away.

Social Newtorking 4/20

This article talks about how facebook is extremely addicting. In the article, it states that “14.8 percent of Facebook users admit to all-day loafing.” This is a percentage out of 500, so that is a really high number. The fact that people can spend their whole day on facebook is scary. It is a way to stalk a person, but sometimes people can go too far. A person should never know what a person is doing every second of every day. Not only is facebook taking up students time, it is also taking up a lot of adults time. There are a lot of people out there who cannot stay away from facebook. It is affecting the workforce greatly. The article states that “Employment law firm Peninsula recently estimated that 233 million hours are lost every month in the UK alone as a result of employees using social networking sites” Social networking is changing our society greatly.

Social Networking 4/20
By Brad Stone

This is an article from the New York Times; it was published April 19, 2009 and it stated a lot of interesting facts about Facebook. There are currently 175 million users around the world. It went into great detail about the man who created Facebook. Facebook was officially created in 2004 by a man named Mark Zuckerberg. Even though a lot people feel that facebook is exactly like MySpace and twitter, there are a lot of different facts about it. Facebook has a way to, “stimulated the creation of hundreds of new features or "social applications" on Facebook, from games to new music and photo sharing tools, which had the effect of further turbo-charging activity on the site” The New York times is also usually a creditable because they have people go over it to make sure. They also have a procedure of doing things.

Research: Social Networking 4/20

Ubiquitous and Pervasive Knowledge and learning management” by Maltiadis D. Lytras and Abmbjorn Naeve

In the book, “Ubiquitous and Pervasive Knowledge and learning management” by Miltiadis D. Lytras and Abmbjorn Naeve, it goes over the fact that social networking is changing our world. The authors realize that the internet may be a growing problem if we don’t stop it now. The fact is, people can locate a lot of information on the internet that they shouldn’t be looking at. The authors especially feel that this is a problem for students; they are the most venerable people. In the book, it states that “there is a fear that students may use electronic devices with which they are provided inappropriately.” (106) It is an authoritative source because it is a book; there were a lot of people who checked it before hand to make sure that everything in it was accurate.

Also, i decided to check out the author, Maltiadis D. Lytras, and there were a lot of interesting facts about him. It stated that he was an editor and chief for 12 other internation journals. He has also wrote 15 other books. He is a very well know author throghout the world. This book was published through the "Idea Group Publishing" in 2007 from Hershey, PA.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Research Questions

-Social networking is a way for people to communticet in many different ways.

- People make the argument that social newtworking is both good and bad.

- It is a distraction for a lot of people! (I can focus mainly on college students)- Very time consuming. (Is it affecting study habbits)

- Using social newtorking is a way to communicate with people for fun and to get help. Twitter is a great way to ask questions that you need to be answered. (All of your friends are there to help you)

- Is it dangerous to have a Facebook? Are there stalkers out there watching what you do? ( should you put your real name on Facbook; is it safe?)


Social networking is currently the big thing right now and it is extremely addicting in a way that can keep your hooked for hours; Facebook for example, even though it is a way to unite friends, it can be very time consuming and unnecessary.

· I’m not sure if this would work as evidence in my essay but I found this article to be quite interesting. It talked about the argument as to whether or not a newspaper is a social network or not.
· This article talked about how people are addicted to facebook. It goes over the fact that a lot of people feel the need to check there facebook from work.
· This is the Wikipedia source that I wrote about above.
· This website I just found to be really funny. It talks about all the ways you can tell if you have an addiction to facebook. It also goes over the steps you can take to get over your addiction.
· This is a funny but really weird video! :)

Wikipedia - Facebook

Shockingly there was a lot of information on Wikipedia that was very resourceful. It also seemed very trustworthy to use. Wikipedia gave a lot of helpful information; it is a credible source. It gave a lot of back round information as to how facebook came to be. It stated who invented it, and when it was invented. It also talks about where around the world facebook can be looked at.
What was really shocking was the fact that Wikipedia stated the fact that facebook is a way to meet new people. Most people think of Facebook as a way of communicating with your current friends both near and far; they don’t think about how they want to meet new people. Wikipedia also talks about how Facebook is a social network; it is a way to communicate your ideas to others. While researching my social network on Wikipedia, I found a lot of interesting new facts.

Many people don’t realize this, but there are a lot of ads on facebook that you don’t realize. While on facebook you are receiving advertisements just as if you were watching a television commercial. Another thing Wikipedia mentioned is that you have to be thirteen years of age to make one. As of 2008 there are only 700 workers that work on facebook.

While looking at the discussion part of the Wikipedia source, the information seemed more invalid; Most especially because it is written in the first person. Also, the discussion is basically people’s opinions and this isn’t a credible source.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Networking Services (FACEBOOK)

Some people say that facebook is bad, but others say that facebook is good; which one is it?
In order to create a facebook all you need to have is a name and an email address. Once you have that you are set. Once you create your account, you then begging to look for your friends. Accounts are allowed to private or open. If you account is private, no one can look at your profile unless they are friends will you but if your account is open, anyone can look at you account.
It is actually a little bit scary. There is a large amount of information on your actual facebook account. When you create it, you are giving away your name, your birthday, your religion and political views, your relationship status, your school, and all of your friends. If you had a stalker, this is a gold mind for them. On facebook there is an application, where you post up what you are doing or just how you are feeling. It is a way to express how things are going in your life at that period of time. In that aspect it is like twitter.
Facebook also has the application of posting all of your photos. This is a way of letting people know what you have been up to. So, if someone went to an amazing party the night before you can be sure that the next day those photos are going to be up there. If you are friends with a person who is in the photo you can look at the whole album that person put up, even I you don’t know them. Having photos of yourself up on a website can be dangerous at times. You have to be very careful that you don’t friend the wrong person.
You can access facebook through any computer. Facebook even has the application of going on it through your phone. It has a way of getting you hooked. Facebook has so many different applications and sites you can go through, you could be overwhelmed for hours.
Yes, facebook is useful because it is a way to communicate with friends, but it has a lot of downsides. It is a great way of keeping a friendship with someone if you both go to completely different schools that are far away from eachother. It is bad because you are giving a lot of your information away. Your photo is out there for the whole world to see. Facebook is also bad, because it is very time consuming. There are a lot of people who just sit on facebook for hours and hours.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Acessing Technology Articles

In the article, "Advances in Medical Technology: The flip Side" by Jan Potts truly went of the fact that things will always have consiquences. It basically goes over the fact that life is a chain reaction; when one thing ocurrs a lot will be affected. The sources that Jan Pot used in her article we very relavent. Most of them were from the news. She had really interesing statists that went over the fact medicine is not always the answer. Sometimes when you take medicine it cures things up at the moment but in the long run it could just be affecting you more. I definatly feel that this is an authoritative source because she has very good sources that support her idea.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Technology and Privacy Issues

Privacy is a very huge concern in our world right now. The fact that people can get a lot of information about you by just the click of a button scares a lot of people. There is not a lot we can do about it though. Yes, the governments has the right to get your information, but should the average every day person have the same right?

In life, when one person messes up, usually a lot of people are affected. That one person ends up feeling bad but there is usually nothing that they can do. They are stuck feeling guilty for something that they can’t change. Because we are in a technology world there is a lot of information of different people posted everywhere. In the article “Stolen Credit Cards Exposed on Google-report” by Elinor Mills, she discusses the facts on how the internet is getting easier to hack into. The people that created the internet also created a bunch of loop holes. In life there is always going to be more that one way to do one task; one may be faster, but the other way may be more affective. This also applies to the internet; if you know your way around it, you may be set for life. The internet has ways for people to cheat and a lot of people do so. Just the other day 19,000 British web user’s credit cards information was reviled to the public. Websites may contain a lot of information, but they do not have the right to reveal that information. 2009 CBS Interactive Inc. 26 March. 2009

People all over the world are being affected by the internet in both good and bad ways. Our world is changing and we need to change with it; People need to realize that as the internet changes laws need to change. In November of 2007 a young sixteen year old girl named Alison Chang was horribly humiliated due to the fact that Virgin Mobile Australia used a photo of her that a friend posted as an advertisement. The friend posted the picture on to a website called Flicker and he never thought that anything would come of it. Flicker is a photo sharing website. The friend had the rights to the photos of himself, but not for the photos of Alison; this was due to the fact that her friend had a CC agreement. New laws need to be created due to the internet. People need to realize that the world is changing and we need to change with it. There are a lot of copyright issues. Doesn’t this affect the right of publicity issues and copyright issues? Flicker states that once the photos are up they have the right to use them. By them saying that you could make the argument that it is affecting the deformation claim and invasion of privacy claim. The court room has the right to decide what laws that they are going to use because the laws overlap in many ways. Virgin Mobile should have received her parents’ permission before using the photo. A way to prevent this is just by reading the terms of use policy. A person should always know what they are posting and who has the right to look at it. Once something gets in the wrong persons hand and they have control over it, things go bad.

CNN Video. Ryan Zehl. 4 August. 2008.

People are being more reliant on the internet and this is both a good and bad thing. People need to realize that the world is evolving but a person should never fully rely on one thing. There are a lot of people out there who don’t know what privacy means; people need to have control over themselves and they need to learn how to make their own decisions. When you post things on the internet about yourself you are putting yourself at risk. There are a lot of creepy people out there and you never know what is going to happen. People need to make things safe for them. You should never put yourself at risk. I’m not saying to keep yourself fully isolated, you just should be careful.

Fredrick, Kathy. "Privacy Please!." School Library Media Activities Monthly 25.6 (Feb. 2009): 43-45. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. San Jose State Martin Luther King Library, San Jose, CA. 31 Mar. 2009

-Sarah Dominguez