Monday, February 23, 2009

Preying on teachers

Ventura Country Star; April 27, 2008

-Sarah Dominguez

Newspaper Article Summary 2-23-09

"California schools struggling with budget-trimming decisions"
-Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times
"Because of reduced funding, school districts across the state are facing teacher layoffs, class-size increases and elimination of programs."

By Seema Mehta February 23, 2009
In the article “California schools struggling with budget- trimming decisions” by Seema Mehta, she talks about how California is going through a major crisis. Funds are reducing greatly and it seems like there is nothing we can do about it. Because there are so many layoffs the class sizes are getting a lot larger people are panicking. Statistics state that the schools and community colleges will have to cut about 7.4 billion dollars for their budget. Teachers are getting really angry because they have to teach a large amount of kinds and they don’t have the funds to support it. They can’t get the materials that they want. Schools are now eliminating their sports, clubs music and a lot of other programs. In this environment it is hard for a student to excel. Teachers have been very scared for their job because there have been so many layoffs.

This summary is based off of the article “California schools struggling with budget-trimming decisions” by Seema Mahta. It was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 23, 2009.,0,6837733.story?page=1

-Sarah Dominguez

Interview Transcription: California Budget Cuts 2-23-09

For my interview, I decided to interview my dad over the phone. My dad is fifty-one and he is a very hard working man who lives in San Francisco. He works for the company of PG&E and he has done so for over 25 years now. He is very honest and loyal man.

Sarah: So, what are your views on the California State Budget cuts?

Peter: Well, first of all I should say, I do not know all of the details. But I do know, is that we all need to cut back as a nation. We need to cut back with both the state and the federal.
I personally believe that we are not cutting back in the right areas.

Sarah: Why do you say that?

Peter: Well, first of all I believe that our students should not be suffering. I believe that there is another place that we could be getting the money from. Our students should not be suffering. Students will be making the future, so honestly why are we making them suffer?

Sarah: I completely agree with you on that one.

Peter: I honestly hope that the law makers are making the right decision. I do not know the choices that they have in front of them, so maybe cutting from education is the best thing that they have right now. Maybe other things can be cut but they just don’t see it right now.

Peter: You bringing up this topic make me think of Gray Davis. One of the reasons he was fired aside from the energy crisis is because he wanted to raise the car tax. It basically says that you have to pay more money when you buy a car. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger fought against that though.
This topic also reminds me of when they wanted to make the gasoline tax even higher than it is now. The governor also fought against that too. I felt that was a great decision too. Gasoline in California is already in highest in California, why would we want to make it any higher. So many people are struggling.
The main thing that we have to think about is the small businesses. While the economy is down, this is the hardest time for them to stay afloat. By raising the taxes on gasoline that would just make things worse for them. Most businesses use cars to make things easier. Just think about the PG&E tree trimmers, pizza delivery men, UPS trucks and much more. Once the gas goes up it makes it harder for businesses to say alive.

Sarah: Yeah, I agree completely. Once one price goes up all of the prices go up. By doing this it just makes things worse for everyone. Businesses need lower fees in order to survive, and life needs businesses to survive.

Sarah: Thank you so much for letting me interview you; you told me a lot of things that I wouldn’t have thought of.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rehtorical Stratagies

In the article "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama, Obama uses a lot of different stratagies to get his point across. He has a very strong tone. while he goes on in his speech he also trys to get the simpathy vote. He talks ablot how nothing is holding him back because he believes in our nation. He said that even if you struggle you can get through anything. He also states a lot of interesting facts about Sen. John Kerry. He supports him and.......
The article "The Audacity of hope" by Barack Obama was a very interesting article that i really enjoyed reading. It was interesting to read because i was able to compare and contrast how Obama was then and now. He has a different tone in this speech than his inageration speech. He states thank you a lot in the begining making me assume that he is shawlked to be there. He talks about his ancestors and how they grew up. How they had a hard life but still believed in education.......

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

02-17-2009 Obama's Inageration Speech

In President Obama’s speech, how does Obama persuade the people to believe in and follow him?
Doing this assignment was the first time that I have watched the inauguration speech of President Obama. While watching the speech I felt that he truly meant what he said. The tone of his voice made him sound very convincing and yet extremely powerful. You could tell just by the tone of his voice that he meant what he was saying. During the speech he mentions that we are a young nation and we still have time to change our ways. Throughout the whole speech he also makes references to the past. Obama realizes that our nation has made a lot of mistakes but if we were to work hard, we will not make them again. He feels that we need to respect our ancestor because they made our world the way it is today. Also, during the speech he takes action; he states the things that we need to accomplish. He said that the schools need to, “meet the demands of the new age” and the economy needs to get better. He feels that we make our own fate, so we need to make the right choices. He also said this is, “the new era of responsibility.” He made sure that throughout the whole speech he addressed everyone; he didn’t want anyone to feel left out. As a new leader, he needs to make a good impression. He had to be appealing for all. This speech was very meaningful and you could honestly tell that Obama meant every word he said. He truly wants to change our nation for the better.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Reflection on how the class has changed...

I am really excited for the new class. Honestly the old assignments seemed pretty boring and now they seem a lot better. I have never blogged before and it seems interestion. I also really like the new class room that we will be using sometimes. It is a lot bigger and it is nice having a computer. I have never had a teacher gared all of the assignments at the end of the semester before so that should be interesting..........

Journal 2-12-2009

List of topics I would like to write about this semester....

*My favorite Television show LOST.

*We could do a movie review.

*How our second semester of college is going.

*How I was raised and what my family traditions are.

*I really liked your idea about writing about a song.

*A essay on the things that bug us the most.

*A essay on things we wish were different.