Monday, February 23, 2009

Newspaper Article Summary 2-23-09

"California schools struggling with budget-trimming decisions"
-Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times
"Because of reduced funding, school districts across the state are facing teacher layoffs, class-size increases and elimination of programs."

By Seema Mehta February 23, 2009
In the article “California schools struggling with budget- trimming decisions” by Seema Mehta, she talks about how California is going through a major crisis. Funds are reducing greatly and it seems like there is nothing we can do about it. Because there are so many layoffs the class sizes are getting a lot larger people are panicking. Statistics state that the schools and community colleges will have to cut about 7.4 billion dollars for their budget. Teachers are getting really angry because they have to teach a large amount of kinds and they don’t have the funds to support it. They can’t get the materials that they want. Schools are now eliminating their sports, clubs music and a lot of other programs. In this environment it is hard for a student to excel. Teachers have been very scared for their job because there have been so many layoffs.

This summary is based off of the article “California schools struggling with budget-trimming decisions” by Seema Mahta. It was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 23, 2009.,0,6837733.story?page=1

-Sarah Dominguez

1 comment:

  1. This is an authoritative source because it appeared in the LA Times. Newspapers are always a good source, especially when the latest information is needed. The argument was generally focused on elementary schools and the budget crisis. It lacked covering other elements in the CA budget crisis. Therefore, this isn't the best source for the issue, but it is a helpful one.
    Taking it further would need citing the exact sources of the specific numbers that are mentioned in the article. Possibilities include writing an essay about the affects of low-funded elementary schools.
    For the future: Your summaries would be even more effective with your opinion/view point on the piece you're summarizing.
